Online platform to buy and sell invoices for businesses in Africa
We are essentially solving three key problems for businesses in Africa:
1) Access to competitive financing for businesses, especially SMEs – only 1 in 10 SMEs are able to access funding in Africa based on World Bank estimates
2) Illiquid assets in the books of businesses – most SMEs have a large chunk of invoices (receivables) on their books which are highly illiquid and will typically have to wait between 45 days to 60 days to convert these invoices to cash
3.Limited safe asset classes for fund/asset managers to trade/invest in – most fund providers in Africa have not been able to properly define the right framework to fund SMEs in the continent due to their perceived high risk
To solve these, we have built an Exchange/platform that allow businesses (especially SMEs) to convert their receivables to tradable assets for Fund Managers to buy. It unlocks liquidity for the SME, and creates a new asset class for Fund Managers to invest in
No poverty
Founded: 2020-01-13
Team Size: 8
Location: Delaware